%0 Journal Article %A SUWADI , - %D 2005 %F digilib:8691 %J Jurnal PAI vol ii no 1 2005 %K Tipologi, pembelajaran, Kyai Mlangi %T TIPOLOGI PEMBELAJARAN KYAI MLANGI (STUDI ATAS PEMBELAJARAN LIMA KYAI DI PESANTREN MLANGI) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8691/ %X This artick basedon individualressarch, that aivts to describe aboutKyaiMkmg's karning typology. The result of observation indicate tbatY$aiMkmg's karning typohgy cangroupedin threemodels: the child-nurse type, theparenttype, andthegrand-parenttype. The chiM-nurse type tends to gve satisfy-sense to student, jvhen they are abk karn by hard the HolyQur'an correctfy. Theparetit type tends to devefop the skill of teaching and create the nea idiasjorstudent. Thegrand-parenttype tends tophihshopicalmode in his approach andfetf attention in mystic. The constraction of KyaiMkmg's teaching, espedally in vakie eduaciiongive apriority in subject-matteritself.