%0 Journal Article %A ABDUL MUNIP , - %D 2008 %F digilib:8726 %J Jurnal PAI vol V no 1 2008 %K PerkuUahan Pendidikan Agama Islam, Mentoring agama Islam, Perguruan Tinggi Negeri %T PERKULIAHAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMAISLAM DIPERGURUAN TINGGINEGERI (SEBUAH CATATAN LAPANGAN) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8726/ %X This artick tries to describe the impkmentation of Islamic Religious Education in several state universities in lndonesia. In fact, there are some traits in impkmenting of PAI among those universities, especially in coordinating of PAI's lecturers and mentoring activities executed by Lemhaga Dakwah Kampus fl"he Institution of Catnpus Missionary) as one of units of student activities. Ideally, these mentoring activities are aimed to complete the lack of implementation of PAI in class, but in reality, these activities are used to transfer and transmit lsUmic thoughts or ideologm ofactivists ofLDK as mentors. Therefore, the rok of PAl's kcturers need to improve coordinating these mentoring activities so that remain in accordance with the goak of PAI and policy of lskimic Religious fLducation stated in the decision Utter of Director of Higher Education of Ministry of National Education nttmber: 43/DItCTI/Kep/2006.