%A - SIGIT PURNAMA %J Jurnal PAI vol VI no 1 2009 %T WEB PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM ( PAI ) %X Web is one of application ICT which have been exploited widely in education world in this time, and very conducive applied in study of Islamic Religion Education (PAI). All of student free download items which gone the round of the illusory world, whenever and whereabout even also. Model of this study have altered the paradigm of system of us education which from the beginning base on traditional looked in the facely as its bases, passing into education system which is not limited by space and time. Applying model the study by using web require the substance development teach. Macroly, substance development teach to base on the web include; cover the stages; steps analyse the requirement, scheme, development, implementation and evaluate. %D 2009 %K Web, Pembelajaran, Pendidikan Agama Islam %L digilib8732