%A - LILIK SUPARNO %J Jurnal PAI vol VI no 1 2009 %T NILAI-NILAI PLURALISME DALAM MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM (STUDI ANALISIS ISI TERHADAP BUKU AJAR SKI MA) %X The values of pluralisme in the subject of SKI (History of Islamic Civilization) that consist of pluralisme in the religion culture, politics and thought are urgent issues to discuss, especially to over come the problem that plural are rouse in the society of Indonesia. The subject of SKI as integral part of Islamic education play an important rule to implement the values of pluralisme to student. This is must that has to do by government, teacher and the society. Because, the plurality can not be separated from Indonesia. %D 2009 %K Nilai-nilai Pluralisme, SKI, buku ajar SKI MA. %L digilib8737