%A ATIKAH SYAMSI %J Pendidikan Agama Islam %T IMPLEMENTASIPROGRAM REMEDIAL TEACHING DIKELAS AKSELERASI SD MUHAMMADRFAH SAPEN YOGYAKARTA %X This research aims to shoat performance remedial teaching at SD Muhammadiyah Sapen. Except that, the reasons ofperformance this program at this scbool as excellent elementary school become important to doing research. Afler that, this research it means to know contribation of remedial teaching at the accekrated cU>ssfor their students. The research was carried out at SD Muhammadiyah Sapen and involved the PAI teacher, Head master, Students, Counsehr teacber fashycofagy team) and Parents as the research subjects. ln order to directly understand the remedial teacbingprogram, theparticipant observation is basis of indepth interview method is needed to expk>re the motive remedial teachingprogram at the accekrated class. Sampling was taken bypurposive sampling technique. Kriefjy, to colkct the data, the researcher used to observation method, interview, test method -such as oral test and writing-and the fast, documentation method. After ihat the researcher did data reduction, data presentation, data analjsis and conclusion with drawal. The vatidity of data was obtained through trianguUition technique using doubk method and doubk source. The conclusion ofthe researchfinding shows that: 1) The aimsperformance remedial teaching at the accelerated class for subject matter PAI especially is able to increase understanding ofthe students to subject matter that not understandingyet, and remedy to students aihom have learning difficulty with speafic procedure. 2) Technicalfy, performance remedial teaching-according to SD Muhammadiyah Sapen- shared ta>o models asfollovs : First, remedial teaching that doing by teacher individuallj with procedure based on them. Second, remedial teaching that doing organi%ed by school directly with scheduk on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after school timefinished. %N No.1 %K Implementasi, iemediaI teaching, akseleiasi %P 107-123 %V 4 %D 2007 %I Jurusan PAI Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan %L digilib8740