%A - MARAGUSTAM SIREGAR %J Jurnal PAI Vol.IV No.1 2007 %T PENDIDIKAN INSAN HAKIM DALAMAL QURAN FLPERSPEKTIF TAFSIR AI-TARBAWY-TEMATIK) %X The content of w>rd hikmah (ntisdom) is very meanin$ul and crudal both theoreticaljy andpractically. Then many meanings ofhikmah (wisdom) an asfolhu>s mind-intelligence, understanding (al-fahm) about causaUty of bw, the secret, theg>al of something, the utility behind tke expKcit things / event and ethics, the agreement cf theory|word andpractice; littU word but it is meaningful, ckar, right and incfadcd;justice, correctness; spiritually; prophecy and tradition; courtesy, and the right action. The wisdom oumer (insan hakim) has strategic roU in deciding the way of tife on the chalUngng and very competitive ghbal world. Recoming wisdom owner (insan-hakim) is determinedabsolutely by the Godauthority, besides the human initiation. For this, there are at kast threepilkirs in order to be a wisdom on>ner (insan hakim) namelj sdentific theory, practical action, and moral spirituality. Sdentific theorelic method is impossibU without intellectual and very ssrious motivation. Practical action and live experience are useless without beingfolhwed by critical analysis andpractical action does notguarantee and useUss without beingframed by spirituality and morality powers. Problem and goai of this writing is aimed to construct the essence of hikmah (wisdom) and the search of solution ofperforming insan hakim. Approach used is interpretation of tbcmatic-tarbauy and the analysis uses educational thinking, namely incorporative. %D 2007 %K PLkmah, insan hakim, dan lafsir tarbawiy. %L digilib8743