%A - SUPA'AT %J Jurnal PAI Vol.IV No.1 2007 %T TRANSFORMASI MADRASAH SEBAGAI SEKOLAH UMUM BERCIRIKHAS ISLAM %X HistoricaUy theformat ofmadrasah institution has changedfrom time to time, even radically. The birth, groa>th, and devehpment of madrasah could not be separated with spreading lslam in archipekgo. Due to that, it can be understood that madrasah is currently calkd the institution of lsfomic education. According to GovernmentAct No. 28 and 29/ 1990, madrasah is calkd as lsfam Characteri%ed-Pubtic School. LzgaLly the existence of madrasah is ckarer with the birth ofAct ofNational Education System in 2003. This artick isfocused on mapping ofchalknges to implement tbepolicy in Kudus. According to the writer, though 27 Madrasah Aliyah ft>ublic eitherprivate) in Kudtts apply and refer to the national curriculumfrom Ministry of Religous Affairs fiioRA), but in its impkmentation they have academic vision and orientation differentIy. Generally at least there are three characteristics of MA in Kudus:firstkp, Mas are absoluUly the same with SMA fl>ublic Senior High School), they are mainly PubKc Madrasah Alijah; secondly, sakf-orienUd MA, they try to integrate lsLimic education with the ability to masteryelhwbooks (kitab kuning), for instance MA Qudsiyah and MA TBS; and thirdly, MA impkmenting standard curriculumfrom MoRA, there are 23 MAs, all of themprivate, in this categ>ry. %D 2007 %K Transformasi, Kebijakan, Pendidikan Islam %L digilib8747