%A - MUHAMMAD MANSUR ,DKK %J Jurnal Penelitian Agama, VOL.XVII, NO. 3 SEPTEMBER-DESEMBER 2008 %T SIKAP KRITIS TERHADAP HADIS PARA PENCERAMAH DI MASJID UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %X There is no the clearly description in the Qur 'an caused the need of understanding to the hadis Nabi is very urgent. That is why, an understanding to the hadis Nabi in the religion speech become the high treatment indication for the muslim society. The sentence of hadis Nabi read by speecher (mubaligh) in the mosque of UIN Sunan Kalijaga was only matnul hadis (the midle text among sanad and rawi) and more ever there was no the critic description to the hadis Nabi such as giving statemen about the quality and credibility of it. So that, it has been becoming a big problem when the mayority of the speechers in the mosque of UIN Sunan Kalijaga were reality the people graduate (alumna) of UIN Sunan Kalijaga who know a bout the scientific structure of hadis Nabi. The object of the research is the sentence of the text of hadis Nabi read by speecher (mubaligh) in the mosque of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. By the observation phenomenology approach and description analysis methodes (Moh. Natzir, 1998: 63 & Mely. G. Tan, 1997: 136), this research started. It got the conclusions; The first, there was no the critic description to the hadis Nabi given by the speecher (mubaligh) in the mosque of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The second the sentence of the text of hadis Nabi read by speecher in the mosque was only matnul hadis (the midle text among sanad and rawi). There was no critic description analysis to the hadis Nabi such as giving description a bout whether sahih or dhaif. The third, there ware many factors caused why the speecher (mubaligh) did it. The factors are; (1) there is no habituality to memorize to the hadis Nabi, (2) there is no sense of carefully in the understanding of it, and (3) there is no sense of spirit deeply to study to the scientific structure ofhadis Nabi a mong the speecher (mubaligh). %D 2008 %K Sikap Kritis, Sanad Malan, Penceramah Masjid UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib8796