%A NIM. 08650040 RANA YULIAWIYATA %T PROTOTIPE SISTEM PENGUKURAN KETINGGIAN DAN DEBIT AIR PADA SUNGAI BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER ATMEGA16 %X River is a source of life for the people who live along the banks and the people living in urban areas around the river. But when it rains, there will be an overflow of the water in various areas cause floods in some places. One way to reduce the impact of losses caused by flooding is the need to know the height of the water surface and the water debit. The prototype system of elevation measurement and water debit in river based on Microcontroller ATMega16 is built to help the governments and communities to minimizing losses caused by flooding and can be monitored using the Delphi interface. The prototype system of elevation measurement and water debit at the river apply SRF05-HY ultrasonic sensor to detect the water levels and dc motors to determine the flow of water. The prototype system is equipped with the software interface use Delphi as the interface display. The prototype system will sound a siren when there was a flood. Keywords: Flood, Prototype, ATMega16, SRF05-HY Ultrasonic Sensor, Motor DC, Siren, Delphi %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib8821