%A NIM. 08651005 VILA YUSTIRA YOGA %T SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA Di PT. SWAKARYA INSAN MANDIRI YOGYAKARTA %X In this globalitation period, companies must be able to face the free competition. For that point companies resource must be whiling to driven with more maximum and professional for support the success of the organization, who depends on the succeses management. The successes management depends on the relevon information from the accurate data. So that the work can handled with really systematic and practical. That is why management information systems is necessary. System development methods used in this study is the SDLC (System development Life Cycle). Stages in the SDLC include, identification or analysis of the problem, design, implementation, and testing or evaluation. The system is built using object-oriented design UML (Unified Modeling Language). Management system was created with web-based programming languages PHP and MySQL as the database management system. Design-based computerized information system is expected to answer the existing problems regarding the management of Human Resources at PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri Yogyakarta. This system has been successfully facilitate the PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri in the process of human resource management. The test results stated that 100% of users expressed a functional system has been running well. While testing the system interface as much as 40% said strongly agree, 60% agree, 0% said neutral, disagree 0% and 0% expressed strongly disagree. Keywords: Management Information Systems, Human Resources, PHP, MySQL, UML %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib8838