@article{digilib8846, month = {December}, title = {TELAAH EPISTEMOLOGI ATAS PEMIKIRAN KEAKHIRATAN AL-GHAZALI DALAM AL-DURRAH AL-FAKHIRAH DI KASYF ULUM AL-AKHIRAH}, author = {- SIBAWAIHI }, year = {2008}, journal = {Jurnal Penelitian Agama, VOL.XVII, NO. 3 SEPTEMBER-DESEMBER 2008}, keywords = {Persoalan epistemologi, ulama klasik, Al-Ghazali, fllsafat}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8846/}, abstract = {This study analyzes al-Ghazdli's eschatological thought in his works: Al- Durrah al-Fakhirah fl Kasyf'Ulum al-akhirah, "Al-Madhnun bihi 'Ala Ghair Ahlihi", ant/Tahafut al-Falasifah. The study employs the epistemological approach to inquire sources, methods, and approaches applied by al-Ghazdli in formulating his eschatological ideas in his three works. It is applied by observing the relation between theology, sociology, and economy and his works. Questions submitted in this study are: I) What are the sources, the methods and the approaches applied by al-Ghazdli in formulating his eschatological ideas? 2) How is the relation between the three aspects and al-Ghazdli's eschatological thought in his works? From this study the writer finds that: (a) The sources used by al-Ghazdli in his three eschatological works are: text (Al-Quran and al-Hadith), reason and intuition. The method is mistico-theology by using argument modes: narration, parable and dialectic. The approach is normative-theological approach; (b) There is a connection between the three aspects and al-Ghazdli's works. In theology, al-Ghazdli was an adherent and even defender of Ash 'ariyya, the school believed by sultans. Certainly, what are written in al-Ghazdli's eschatological texts are doctrines of Ash 'ariyya. The indication is the nuance of texts is fatalistic that, for example, teach the intercession (syafa'ah){\^{ }}rom the pious man. The texts teach nuance of dichotomy as well which in the case of eschatology contrast the worldly life to the after-death life. In sociology, it is necessary to relate it to the fact that al-Ghazdli was "the argumentator of Islam " (hujjah al-Islam). He had the right to be an argumentator in theology. His duty as a "rector" ofNizhamiyyah had strengthen his position both in the administration and the society. But in economy, its connection is extremely not seen.} }