<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "KONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN\r\nDALAM PERNIKAHAN POLIGAMI YANG DILAKUKAN KARENA ALASAN AGAMA\r\n"^^ . "Research was conducted to obtain a full and depth overview of\r\n\"Marital Conflict on Women in Polygamous Marriage based on\r\nKeligious Keason\" and to answev questions whether there is any of\r\nthe rnarital conflict on women in polygamous marriage based on\r\nreIigious reason. Subject of this research is women who are wives\r\nwithin polygamous marriages, whether as the first, second, third\r\nor fourth wives. Four subjects are living in the city of Semarang,\r\neach of two has role as the first and second wife. Data obtained\r\nthrough the method of observation and interviews.\r\nResults of research show that women who are willing to be\r\nmarried in polygamous marriage because of religious reasons\r\nhas the potentiaI to marital conflict, both as the first wife as weIl\r\nas a second wife.\r\nIn conclusion, there are two factors to be the root of the marital\r\nconflict, namely the internal factors and external factors. Internal\r\nfactors here are the desires of women not to share husband\r\nwith another woman. The external factors originating from\r\noutside itself, such as injustice treatment of husband, lack of\r\ncommunication and openness husband to each wife and other\r\nstories about sharing husband. Resolution used to overcome the conflicts is by returning to syari'at or Islamic Law. By doing so,\r\nsincere and patient attitudes hopefully will reIieve the confIict."^^ . "2008-12-01" . . . "Jurnal Psikologi Vol. I No. 2 Desember 2008"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "-"^^ . "ZAINAL ABIDIN"^^ . "- ZAINAL ABIDIN"^^ . . "-"^^ . "FITRI YULIANTINI"^^ . "- FITRI YULIANTINI"^^ . . "-"^^ . "RETNO SETYANINGSIH"^^ . "- RETNO SETYANINGSIH"^^ . . . . . . "KONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN\r\nDALAM PERNIKAHAN POLIGAMI YANG DILAKUKAN KARENA ALASAN AGAMA\r\n (Text)"^^ . . . "FITRI YULIANTINI, ZAINAL ABIDIN DAN RETNO SETYANINGSIH KONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN.pdf"^^ . . . "KONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN\r\nDALAM PERNIKAHAN POLIGAMI YANG DILAKUKAN KARENA ALASAN AGAMA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "KONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN\r\nDALAM PERNIKAHAN POLIGAMI YANG DILAKUKAN KARENA ALASAN AGAMA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "KONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN\r\nDALAM PERNIKAHAN POLIGAMI YANG DILAKUKAN KARENA ALASAN AGAMA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "KONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN\r\nDALAM PERNIKAHAN POLIGAMI YANG DILAKUKAN KARENA ALASAN AGAMA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #8850 \n\nKONFLIK MARITAL PADA PEREMPUAN \nDALAM PERNIKAHAN POLIGAMI YANG DILAKUKAN KARENA ALASAN AGAMA \n\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Psikologi Jurnal " . .