%A NIM. 09150033 RAKHMA TRI PRATIWI %T THE RESPONSE OF MUSLIM VIEWERS TO THE IMAGES OF THE END OF DAY IN 2012: A CASE STUDY OF STUDENT OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF SUNAN KALIJAGA STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF YOGYAKARTA %X The writer has some motivations to choose the response of Muslim to the image of the end of days in 2012 as the topic of this research. Firstly, most religions believe in the end of the day, so that people seem curious to know when the end of the day will happen. Secondly, when Mayan Calendar prediction became trending topic, 2012 was released. It has many viewers not only in Indonesia butalso in the other countries. Directly, it became controversial movie which stated that the end of the day would be happen on December 2012. So that Indonesian Council Ulema (MUI) prohibited Muslim to watch 2012. Therefore, the writer deals this research by analyzing the response of Muslim viewers to 2012. In addition, the writer considers the religious educational background, whether it influences the response of Muslims to the images of the end of day in 2012 or not. Then, this research aims to have Cross Cultural Understanding between one and another religion, to understand, to know, and to be ware interpreting the response or opinion of each human to the events in daily life. Moreover, this research is accomplished through Quantitative Qualitative research and supported by survey. Sampling of the research is Student of English Department of State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, especially chapter 2009. After all of the data are collected, the writer employs reception theory, especially Stuart Halls’ analytical encoding and decoding because the analysis focuses on the response of Muslim to the image of the end of the day in 2012. The analysis of data leads to the conclusion that response of Muslims to the image of the end of the day could be observed through dominant code, negotiated code, and oppositional code. Then response of each group, Senior High School, Islamic Senior High School, Islamic Boarding School; could be classified to three codes. The response of Senior High School is classified into dominant code, the response of Islamic Senior High School is classified to negotiated code, and then the response of Islamic Boarding School classified to oppositional code. Therefore, even the viewers watch or read the same text, they will give different response because of their different background. Keywords: Image of the end of the day, 2012, response of Muslims student, religious educational background %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib8851