@phdthesis{digilib8858, month = {June}, title = {READING DEATH IN D.H. LAWRENCE?S ?THE SHIP OF DEATH? }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 09150078 FAHRURRAZI}, year = {2013}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/8858/}, abstract = {Death will certainly come to every living beings, but nobody knows how it exactly feels or what happens during and after the death. This mystery, however, has evoked people?s imagination, and many have expressed their own versions in their works. D.H. Lawrence?s ?The Ship of Death? is one of the relevant works that could figure it out in a meaningful way, and this research is intended to explore how death is described in the poem. Since this research approaches the work intrinsically, it applies Ransom?s notion of New Criticism Theory. For the data processing, this uses descriptive-qualitative research method. Based on the in-depth analysis, this research has found that in ?The Ship of Death,? the description of death is divided into three phases: (1) the beginning of journey to death which combines the discussion on the dying process (the separation of soul and body) and the significance of prepared stuffs to secure the coming journey. This first phase is conveyed mostly in rising meter and dominated with visual and tactile imageries; (2) oblivion, a confusing stage to pass right after the death takes one?s life, and the message is emphasized through paradox and visual imageries and conveyed in mixture of rising meter and falling meter in one line; and (3) new life is symbolically depicted by dawn until the appearance of the sun and conveyed in falling rhythm which closes the phases. Keywords: Death, ?The Ship of Death?, Ransom?s New Criticism Theory} }