%A NIM. 09140068 SITI KHOYIMAH %T PENGARUH TUNJANGAN JABATAN FUNGSIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA PUSTAKAWAN DI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET SURAKARTA %X This study aimed to determine the effect of Functional Benefit Performance Against Librarians in University Libraries of March Surakarta. The method used in this study is a quantitative method, the subject of the research librarians UNS 14 librarians and the object of research is functional benefits. Population of this study was the librarian UNS many as 14 people. Of the population is all the population sampled, sampling using sampling techniques saturated. Variables in this study there are two functional benefits as variable X and variable Y. performance as a librarian Methods and techniques used in the method of data collection questionnaire (questionnaire), documentation, and interviews. Analysis of the data using the mean and the Grand Men and product moment correlation analysis. Measurement of functional benefits based on a Likert scale (4-1) that result to be very good, good, not good, and is not very good. The results showed that the Functional Effects on Performance Benefits Librarian at the University Library of March Surakarta was good. Based on the results of Pearson product moment correlation analysis can be seen that there is influence between the effect of functional benefits to the performance of UNS Surakarta librarian at the library, and the magnitude of the effect of 0.672 or category is quitehigh.This study is expected to provide input to the library in terms of Functional Benefit Performance Against Librarians Keywords: Functional Benefits, Performance Librarian %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib8932