%A NIM. 09141062 DEWI WIDIANINGSIH %T KETERSEDIAAN KOLEKSI BERDASARKAN ANALISIS SITIRAN TERHADAP TESIS FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN POLITIK UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA TAHUN 2010 %X This study aims to determine the type of literature cited, the dominant language literature cited, and the availability of literature cited the Thesis Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University in 2010 in the Library of the University of Gadjah Mada. The research method used is descriptive method. The data source is the thesis bibliography Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM in 2010. Population of 167 theses, while sample 44 theses. Data collection is done by downloading the 44 thesis bibliography, checking completeness and entering data in the computer to be processed and analyzed. The results of this study indicate that the cited literature citation as 2106, consisting of 59.95% books, online sources 19.4%, 6.31% newspapers, regulations / laws 5.79%, magazines / journals / newsletters 4 , 74%, 1.28% thesis, papers 0.8%, 0.8% interviews, minutes of 0.33%, 0.28% thesis, dissertation by 0.18%, 0.14% and speeches. The dominant language literature cited is Indonesian reach 1591 citation or 75.55%, while English as much as 515 citation or 24.45%. Of the total collections used by students in writing thesis, at 61.35% is available in the library and at 38.65% is not available in the library. In Future can do a more detailed study of the citation that uses internet sources if it is appropriate with the existing rules since the source of the internet has become the primary source of student information. Keywords: Citation analysis, availability of collection %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib8954