@phdthesis{digilib9015, month = {June}, title = {PENGOLAHAN KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAAN SD MUHAMMADIYAH TEGALREJO TAHUN 2013 }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 10130067 WIJAYANTO}, year = {2013}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/9015/}, abstract = {This report discusses the practical work of the processing field I'm working for street vendors in SD Muhammadiyah Tegalrejo. The purpose penuis discusses the topic is to investigate the process of collection in SD Muhammadiyah Pegolahan Tegalrejo, as well as find out what are the constraints faced during the treatment process. Preparation of this field practice work using the method of collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. First, the authors used observational techniques that helped the library staff, while directly observing the state of SD Muhammadiyah Tegalrejo Library on topics raised. Second, the author yan interview techniques with a question and answer to the librarian. Third, the documentation is taken by the author through the existing data in the Library of SD Muhammadiyah, as well as print scrint of processing the collection. From the processing of the collection is done, the writer can know its processes, as well as knowing the constraints experienced in the treatment process. The constraints faced are 1) Less availability of computer facilities, because there is only one computer. 2) Computer specifications do not meet the standards for automation-based program senayan. 3) There are still some books that have not been inputted, it is because there is a lot of duplication in the number of classification so that the difficulty of inputting the data collection. 4) a lack of human resources master senayan based automation program. Keywords: collections processing, Senayan} }