@phdthesis{digilib9020, month = {May}, title = {MAULID AND SHALAWAT IN POPULAR CULTURE PERSPECTIVE ( STUDY OF JAM?IYAH AHBABUL MUSTHOFA YOGYAKARTA ) }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 09120034 RIFQI FAIRUZ}, year = {2013}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/9020/}, abstract = {Maulid is one of a growing Islamic culture in Indonesia. In some areas, especially in Java and pesantren-scope, Maulid has become a tradition that even routine every week. Maulid is a tradition that is done to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad. Maulid is conducted with recitation of the narrative stories contained in book. The books that contain a history of the Prophet's birthday are very diverse, such as Mawlid al-Diba'i, Mawlid al-Barzanji, and Qashidah Burdah and Mawlid Shimtud Durar. Generally each book of mawlid contains a history, a story or a narrative about the prophet from his birth until the details of his behavior and physical depiction of the prophet. These books are not just about the narrative story, but also contains qasidah and shalawats that are chanting the praises of the Prophet Muhammad, so shalawats and Maulid become integral and inseparable. Traditions of Maulid and shalawat, during its development not only thrive in Pesantren, but also outside the Pesantren and carried out by Muslims to form assemblies or jam'iyyahs that specifically facilitate the activities of the Prophet's Maulid. One of the assemblies is Jam'iyyah Ahbabul Musthofa. Jam'iyyah Ahbabul Musthofa in each Maulid use classic book ( kitab ) Shimtud Durar as a reference. At first, the followers who attended the Maulid of Jam'iyyah Ahbabul Musthofa just around hundreds. But by its development, now it?s measured the numbers of followerss who attend every Maulid activity could reach thousands of attendances which made this Jam'iyyah as a phenomenon among moslem society in Yogyakarta. The popularity of the Jam?iyyah is inevitable from its leader, namely Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf. The shalawats which were sung by him become increasingly popular in the ears of the community. Even he published several albums in the form of tapes, mp3 or CD that contain recorded qasidahs and shalawats which are enjoyed by his followers and sympathizers. This popularity was also supported by a fanatical sympathizers and commodification attributes that shows the identity of this assembly, like shirts, scarfs, flags and jackets that symbolize that a person is a part of this Jam'iyyah, all of which leads to a popular culture phenomenon that stole the attention of the researcher. The research uses participatory action research or field research, and conducted Focus Group Discussion among the followers of Ahbabul Musthofa in order to obtain data while examining collected data with the popular culture theories that are available in many literatures. Therefore, by looking at the phenomenon of Islamic culture from various perspectives, especially from the perspective of popular culture, the researcher intends to carry out a research in the form of a final thesis entitled "Maulid and Shalawat in The Perspective of Popular Culture: Study of Jam'iyyah Ahbabul Musthofa Yogyakarta".} }