<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n"^^ . "This research is aimed to know about the promotion of media, to know the\r\ninterest visiting of users, and to know the influence of promotion of media towards\r\nusers’ interest in visiting the Library of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.\r\nThis research uses quantitative approach. The research variable used is the\r\nindependent variable \r\n(\r\npromotion of media\r\n)\r\nand dependant variable \r\n(\r\ninterest in\r\nvisiting\r\n)\r\n. Methods of data collection used in this research are methods of observation,\r\ndocumentation, interview and questionnaire. The sampling uses incidental sampling,\r\nwith sample of 99 respondents. Data validity test uses the formulation Moment\r\nProduct correlation, where the data reliability test uses the Alpha Cronbach\r\nformulation. Method of data analysis used formulation of Product Moment\r\nCorrelation and processed using software IBM SPSS Statistics 19. Result of the\r\nresearch shows that the promotion of media generally is good proven by average\r\nvalue \r\n(\r\nGrand Mean\r\n)\r\n of 2,80. Meanwhile the interest in visiting generally is classified\r\nas good proven by average value \r\n(\r\nGrand Mean)\r\n of 2,65. There is a significant\r\ninfluence between promotion of media towards users interest in visiting the Library\r\nof Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. It can be seen from the result of\r\ncorrelation coefficient which shows 0,566 where in r count > r table in significant\r\nlevel of 5% i.e. r table of 0,202. From the hypothesis testing above, then the\r\nhypothesis Ha is accepted, which means there is influencing between of promotion of\r\nmedia towards users interest in visiting the Library of Muhammadiyah University of\r\nYogyakarta. Referring to the result as for the suggestion, hoped that promotion of\r\nmedia preexist can increase the interest in visiting of users.\r\nKeyword: promotion of media and interest in visiting.\r\n"^^ . "2013-07-01" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 09140131"^^ . "WELLY RISWANTO"^^ . "NIM. 09140131 WELLY RISWANTO"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Text)"^^ . . . "BAB I, V, DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Text)"^^ . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI\r\nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA\r\nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #9026 \n\nPENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI \nTERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA \nDI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH \nYOGYAKARTA \n\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Perpustakaan"@en . .