%A NIM. 08650099 MOH. NURIL ROHMAN %T IMPLEMENTASI DAN OPTIMALISASI SWITCHING DNS (DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM) UNTUK FILTERING KONTEN DENGAN MIKROTIK SCHEDULER %X In the cyber world spread pornography is very quickly, they were all with easy access to sites that contain pornography. Within the Act on IEC has been explained that the prohibition to distribute and transmit, electronic document containing morality that enables can be accessed through electronic media. This is a very important role ISP (Internet Service Provider) to manage and minimize that this website that contain pornography, cannot be accessed, this is easy to menblokir sites that contain pornography is by using DNS server. This research will be done by using some among others, is the usage stages DNS server as filtering content porn sites. Filtering content will be done by DNS filter in 12 hours o'clock 06.00 - 18.00, usually children using the internet in learning and 12 hours other DNS is DNS Primary. Scheduler mikrotik function as switching DNS DNS that regulates the use filtering with primary DNS system that can perform switching DNS automatically, use switching DNS wearing DNS Filtering and DNS primary. When the user porn sites in the clock to access that has been determined that is 06.00 - 18.00 then accessing will be rejected or site that is in access will be blocked packages by DNS Filtering, in another hour 18.00 - 06.00 using DNS Primary that allows porn sites to be access. Keyword : Filtering content , DNS, PowerDNS, Pornografi %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib9059