%A NIM. 08650064 SURYADI PRADANA D %T PERANCANGAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM INFORMASI COST OF PRODUCTION (COP) DAN PENGGAJIAN KARYAWAN PENERBIT BUKU PENDIDIKAN DEEPUBLISH (CV BUDI UTAMA) YOGYAKARTA. %X Processing and calculation of production costs become a thing to watch, especially when the database calculations is less have a good level of security, so it can be changed at any time without the knowledge of the competent employees. The use of production files and salaries are still split into two files are considered less effective in its use. This study aims to establish an information system that supports automated calculation of cost of production (COP) and integrated employee‟s payroll, which can be connected between the division, including division of Production, Financial‟s Admin and Human Capital. The use of methods Prototyping is a solution for the development of a good system, which according to end user system requirements. From testing the system on a number of respondents indicated that 87.5% agree the system has been able to help Deepublish Educational Book Publishers in the calculation of total pay include salary calculation based on relevant criteria and the calculation of production costs which include processing production time, cost each production process and the minimum selling price. Keywords : Information System, Cost of Production, Prototyping %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib9103