%A NIM. 06650060 FIKRI FIRMANSYAH %O Pembimbing: Agus Mulyanto, S.Si., M.Kom. %T SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN UNTUK RESEP ELEKTRONIK MENGGUNAKAN ANALISIS ASOSIASI %X Commonly, a person in charge for medical treatment (e.g doctor, nurse, etc) have stored the patient data after they perform medical assessment. These patients data is constitute by the disease of particular patient and the medicine which given to. With wrapping up the association rule between the medicine and the disease, doctor can get an insight from the information that can be used for supporting their decision to make recipe for another patients. In this research, we used waterfall method as research methodology. This method is starting from literature review then end up with system testing. In this research, we build a Decision Support System for Electronic Recipe Using Association Rule Mining. Association Rule Mining is one of the data mining technique to find an associative rule between the combinations of items. Association rule can be represent by A⟹B, in which A is antecedent and B is consequent. The A⟹B rule have the meaning if A then B. The association rule between medicines of the disease which stored within the medical assessment database can be extracted by apriori algorithm. This algorithm calculating the probability of an item appearing on the dataset in some iteration. We use PHP as programming language under CodeIgniter framework with MySQL as database server. This system hopefully can support the medical person’s decision in deciding the suitable recipe for patient based on past assessment data. Keyword : Decision Support System, Association Rule Mining, Apriori Algorithm. %K Decision Support System, Association Rule Mining, Apriori Algorithm. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib9753