<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "FROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses"^^ . "This article elaborates a new paradigm in the interpretation of Qur’anic \r\nlegal verses conducted by a Syrian thinker, Mohammad Shahrour. This study\r\nshows that, according to Shahrour, Islamic jurisprudence is not “”,\r\nbut “ ” since for him, all legal rules carried by the verses represent\r\nthe limits of Allah which people can behave. proves that\r\nShahrour’s approach to the Qur’anic legal verses can be characterized as an\r\nopen-ended process of socio-political and moral codes. Still holding on to the\r\ntool of textual analysis but combining it with a new perspective, h} udu> diyya,\r\nShahrour manages to be faithful to the text and at the same time, compatible \r\nwith the ideas and values of modernity and humanism. Elaborated by other\r\ntheories from other disciplines, especially mathematics and physics, Shahrour\r\nprovides six types of limits which encapsulate all \r\ntheir characteristics, differentiations and implementations.\r\n[Artikel ini menjelaskan paradigma baru dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat\r\nhukum dalam al-Qur’an seperti diperkenalkan oleh seorang pemikir\r\nberkebangsaan Syria, Mohammad Shahrour. Artikel ini memperlihatkan\r\nbahwa, menurut Shahrour, ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Qur’an itu tidak\r\nbersifat “”, namun “ ” karena berfungsi untuk\r\nmembatasi. yang diperkenalkan Shahrour menjelaskan\r\nbahwa pendekatan terhadap ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Qur’an bersifat terbuka. Dengan tetap berpijak pada pendekatan tekstual terhadap al-Qur’an\r\nsembari memperhatikan pandangan baru, h} udu> diyya, Shahrour berhasil\r\nmempertemukan teks al-Qur’an dengan ide-ide dan norma-norma modernitas\r\ndan humanisme. Dijelaskan melalui teori-teori yang berkembang di disiplin\r\n \r\nenam tipe batasan .]"^^ . "2012-03-04" . . "Vol 5" . "No 2" . . "UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . "Al Jamiah"^^ . . . "2338557X" . . . . . . . "MOH"^^ . "KHUSEN"^^ . "MOH KHUSEN"^^ . . . . . . "FROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses (Text)"^^ . . . . . "MOH KHUSEN FROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses.pdf"^^ . . . "FROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "FROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "FROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "FROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #9789 \n\nFROM SHARI'A AYNIYYA TO SHARI'A HUDUDIYYA Shahrour’s Interpretation on Qur’anic Legal Verses\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Qur'an Hadis" . .