%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A YULI ANDRIYANI , NIM. 07640001 %B UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %D 2012 %F digilib:9833 %I Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga %K bran, sugar, fermentation period, nata de bran %T KARAKTER FISIK DAN KIMIAWI NATA DE BRAN DENGAN VARIASI KONSENTRASI GULA DAN LAMA FERMENTASI %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/9833/ %X The bran is a by-product of rice processing, that contains a high level of carbohidrat. Bran can be used as source of carbon for the fermentation process that produces biocellulose called nata de bran. The objective of research was to investigate the optimum concentration of sugar involved in the making of nata. Secondly, it also tried to find the best fermentation period that produces good quality of nata, which was determined by physical and chemical characteristic. The concentration of sugar employed in the experiment was 5 %, 10 %, and 15 %. In addition, the data of the fermentation period was collected by observasing the fermentation process at day 8 th xiv , 10 th and 12 th . The result showed that a good quality of nata could be produced by administering 5% concentration of sugar, and with a fermentation period of 8 day. The nata produced with the aforementioned treatment had a total weight of 138.1 g, thickness of 1.1 cm, total sugar 0,203% and crude fiber 0,835%. Based on the hedinic test to 25 respondents, it can be concluded that 40% of them showed a preference to the nata.