Pemanfaatan Jurnal dalam Database EBSCO “Business Source Complete” Sebagai Sumber Rujukan dalam Penyusunan Skripsi Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM Yang Lulus Pada Tahun 2011

HENI PURWANINGSIH, NIM. 07140109 (2013) Pemanfaatan Jurnal dalam Database EBSCO “Business Source Complete” Sebagai Sumber Rujukan dalam Penyusunan Skripsi Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM Yang Lulus Pada Tahun 2011. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA.

Text (Pemanfaatan Jurnal dalam Database EBSCO “Business Source Complete” Sebagai Sumber Rujukan dalam Penyusunan Skripsi Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM Yang Lulus Pada Tahun 2011)
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Complete”, it is necessary to provide dissemination and training on more ent of rnal, citation analysis, availability of journals, ABSTRACT Heni Purwaningsih (07140109), The Utilization of Journals in Ebsco Database “Business Source Complete” as Reference in the Writing of Thesis by Students of the Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business UGM Graduating in 2011 This study is a research discussing the utilization of journals in Ebsco database by students in writing their academic assignments. This study is a descriptive research using citation-analysis approach that analyzes journals used as reference in the writing of thesis by students of the Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business UGM who graduated in 2011. Based on data analysis, in 90 student’s theses there are 516 articles cited from journals in Ebsco database. It is also known that the percentage of the utilization of journals in Ebsco database is 13.75%. This percentage indicating that the utilization of journals in the EBSCO databases is very less. Meanwhile, the percentage of the availability of journal collection in Ebsco database reaches 56.69% indicating a fair availability rate. In this research it is also obtained data showing that the core journals used by the students of the Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business UGM are Management Information System Quarterly; The Accounting Review; Journal of Accounting Research; Journal of Financial Economics; Journal of Finance; Academic of Management Review; Management Science; Accounting and Business Research; Information System Research; Journal of Accounting and Economic. Nine of these journals are classified as “landing journals” or first-ranks in the classification based on ESSEC Ranking of Journals 2012. In order to optimize the utilization of journals in Ebsco database Business Source Complete”, it is necessary to provide dissemination and training on more effective utilization of journals for the students of the Department Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business UGM. Key word: the use of jou

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Additional Information: PEMBIMBING: SUKIRNO, SIP. MA
Uncontrolled Keywords: the use of journals, citation analysis, availability of journals,
Subjects: Ilmu Perpustakaan
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya > Ilmu Perpustakaan (S1)
Depositing User: Sugeng Hariyanto, SIP (
Date Deposited: 25 Apr 2014 07:54
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2015 13:32

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