TRANSENDENSI DIRI DALAM AKTUALISASI Pelajar Pengikut Tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan di Lombok Timur

Muh. Irawan Zuliatul Apri, S.Pd.i., QH., NIM. 1620010016 (2018) TRANSENDENSI DIRI DALAM AKTUALISASI Pelajar Pengikut Tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan di Lombok Timur. Masters thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.

Text (TRANSENDENSI DIRI DALAM AKTUALISASI Pelajar Pengikut Tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan di Lombok Timur)
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[img] Text (TRANSENDENSI DIRI DALAM AKTUALISASI Pelajar Pengikut Tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan di Lombok Timur)
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This study explaind the phenomenon of students who are follow the tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan congregation by exploring the mystical experience, psychological dynamics, and self-actualization in the social order of society. The formulation of the problem research in this study is: how are the transcendenc experience of students during the rituals of the tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan congregation? how is the change in the psychological dynamics of students who undergo the ritual of the Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan Order? to what extent are students' self-actualization after taking part in the wider Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan congregation in the social scope of society? While the purpose of this study is to find out the phenomenon of experience of self-transcendence that occurs in post-conscious students, and this study also to know are students' actualization in the social scope of society. This research refers to five months of fieldwork by delving deeply into experiences related to religious mysticism, psychological dynamics, selfactualization among students after entering the tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan congregation. This shows that the mystical experience that occurs in students rests on practice, deep appreciation of the religious (exoteric) provisions and values contained in the practice of remembrance of the tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan congregation. all of that has influenced the psychological changes in the context of perfection as a human (insane al-Kamil) and the perfection is actualized in three aspects that cover the life of society, namely the aspects of education, social, and da'wah.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information / Supervisor: Dr. Roma Ulinuha. M.Hum
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan Congregation, Self Transcendence, Psychological Dynamics, Self Actualization
Subjects: Psikologi > Psikologi Pendidikan Islam
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Thesis > Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies
Depositing User: Drs. Mochammad Tantowi, M.Si.
Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2019 11:09
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2019 11:09

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