SISTEM PENGUPAHAN DI YOGYAKARTA DALAM PANDANGAN ISLAM (Studi Ekonometrik atas Perusahaan Sedang dan Besar di Yogyakarta dengan Pendekatan Fungsi Produksi CES)

Imam Kamaluddin, NIM. 07.32.608 (2019) SISTEM PENGUPAHAN DI YOGYAKARTA DALAM PANDANGAN ISLAM (Studi Ekonometrik atas Perusahaan Sedang dan Besar di Yogyakarta dengan Pendekatan Fungsi Produksi CES). Doctoral thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.

Text (SISTEM PENGUPAHAN DI YOGYAKARTA DALAM PANDANGAN ISLAM (Studi Ekonometrik atas Perusahaan Sedang dan Besar di Yogyakarta dengan Pendekatan Fungsi Produksi CES))
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Work culture in Islam is a creative central theme and waging system is closely related to the matter. A reliable waging system will eliminate conflict of interest between the workforce and the company. It can even be a good strategy to heighten the employees‟ spirit, loyalty, and productivity. What is a good concept of waging in Islam? Does waging affect industry productivity in a company? Using function of production CES (constant elasticity of substitution) approach, the study takes medium and big companies in Yogyakarta as the objects of study. Three functions are employed here: raw material, capital, and labor. The study aims at determining the influence of function of production substitution, in particular the labor, and how Islam sees the matter. Data were taken from the Department of Industry and Trade (Deperindag) DIY and from the body of Statistic Centre (BPS) DIY. The variables are as follows: capital costs (X1), costs of raw materials, fuel, building rent, machine rent etc. (X2), costs of labors (X3) constituting salary and incentive, and value of output (Y). they were analyzed using double linear regression with model of function of production constant elasticity of substitution (CES) approach. The regression coefficient of the linear equation of the independent variable influencing output (Y) was determined using ordinary least square analysis. Individual significance test (t-test) showed that there were not any significant independent variables. The estimated regression of CES function suggested that the distribution parameter value (δ) of raw material cost input distribution reached 0.721(which was the highest), while labor and capital reached 0.583 and 0.304 respectively; it suggested that raw material input was more productive than the others. The value of substitution elasticity was -0.026 which suggested inelasticity substitution input in industries in Yogyakarta from 2000 to 2014. The analysis explained the insignificant influence of labor input or waging against productivity. Businessmen consider, among reasons, that employees, like capital and raw material, take equal function in whichlabor-capital substitution is merely driven by profit. This model of substitution does not involve humanity and leads to wage exploitation, work termination, and other dehumanized practices. Islam supports natural man-capital substitution. Another reason is entrepreneurs, despite their understanding on torture due to worker underpayment, do not take employees‟ marginal productivity a benchmark to waging although some workers might be under qualified.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Additional Information / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Syamsul Anwar, MA.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Upah, budaya kerja, produktivitas, islam
Subjects: Ketenagakerjaan
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Disertasi > Study Islam
Depositing User: Drs. Mochammad Tantowi, M.Si.
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2019 10:38
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2019 10:38

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