Machasin, . (1994) THE ADVICE OF PROF. DR. P.S. VAN KONINGSVELD FOR THE PROMOTION OF DR. MACHASIN, SEPT.2,1994. /Jurnal/Al-Jamiah/Al-Jamiah No. 57 th. 1994/ (No.57).

14. The Promotion of DR. Machasin - THE ADVICE OF PROF. DR. P.S. VAN KONINGSVELD FOR THE PROMOTION OF DR. MACHASIN, SEPT.2,1994.pdf - Published Version

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bDear Rector and colleguse of the IAIN in Yogyakarta, and especially you, Professor Mukti Ali and Dr. Machasin, ladies and gentlement! Its a great honour and pleasure for me to be the first to congratulate publicly Dr. Machasin and his whole family, with his newly acquired degree of Doftor of Islamic Studies: ..... Enough has been said already about all the technical details of your work, during your discussions with your supervisors, during the closed examination and also during this open, official ceremony. I am very grateful that you have also given me opportunity to study your work and to give you my remarks. Time will now come for you to prepare your work for its publication. This will give you the opportunity to think over everything that has been said and take it into account in one way or another. The INIS-programme has already written to you that it is willing, in principle, to include your work in its printed series. When i try to do justice to the scope of your work, I would say that it contains two major iaxes/i or ipoints of orientation/i. The first of these is the ipurely philological and historical approach/i. Your work mainly consist of an analysis of the methods or methodology applied by an important representative of one of the schools of Islamic theological thought, viz. Qadi Abd al-Jabba al-Basri. For this analysis, you base your self on a number of ancient Arabic sources and in doing so, you take into account the studies of other scholars, both from the Muslim world and the west. The publication and sources you have quoted in your thesis are mainly written in Arabic, English, French, and German. This proves, I believe that your main ambition and concern were to present a study primarily concerned with the general history of Islamic thiught taking into account the results of international scholarship.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Advice, Prof. DR. P.S. Van Koningsveld, Promotion, DR. Machasin
Subjects: Al Jamiah Jurnal
Divisions: Jurnal > 4. Al Jami’ah
Depositing User: Sugeng Hariyanto, SIP (
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2013 17:48
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2018 08:43

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