The Art of Compromise of Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community in Yogyakarta

Mochamad Sodik, - and B.J. Sujibto, - (2020) The Art of Compromise of Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community in Yogyakarta. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 452. pp. 73-77.

Text (The Art of Compromise of Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community in Yogyakarta)
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This paper aims to elaborate the process of negotiation and compromise of Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community (JAI) in Yogyakarta among other religious groups, which mostly threaten and even commit violence against it, and toward society in general. This social process maintained by JAI is to make space for participation in order that its existence and teachings must be heard by public. By using qualitative approach, this study collected data from interview, documents, and media’s coverage of JAI community in Yogyakarta. This study finds interesting strategies of negotiating, compromising, and adapting to social realm, which is called the art of compromise. Indeed, JAI is amenable to compromise with—instead of confronting and offending— various religious groups and institutions as well to build collaboration and partnership, like joining The Brotherhood Forum for Faithful Community (FPUB) instead of the Interreligious Harmony Forum (FKUB). Negotiation and compromise are two important factors played by JAI to maintain its existence, activities, and influences over public. Therefore, the art of compromise becomes more flexible approach for the JAI community to face pressure, discrimination, and even violence from other religious groups in Yoyakarta.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Organisasi Masyarakat > Ahmadiyah Qadiyan
Divisions: Artikel (Terbitan Luar UIN)
Depositing User: Dra. Khusnul Khotimah, SS, M.IP -
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2022 05:07
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2022 05:07

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