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2014 This research positioned the Qur’an manuscript as a print medium by examining one aspect, namely its fawatih as-suwar (its surah openings) in a mass communication study. There are three main problems, namely: (1) what kind of fawatih as-suwar?, (2) how are the patterns of the fawatih as-suwar as an art to start effective communication?, and (3) how is the artistic construction to start effective communication of fawatih assuwar style? These issues were examined through literature research using a research hypodermic needle model. The main source was the Qur'an, while the secondary sources were the books of Qur’anic exegesis, ulum al-Qur'an, communication, language, and other available representative published sources. The collecting data used the techniques of documentation, whereas the analysis of the data used the technique of content analysis, semantic analysis, and the munasabah analysis. This dissertation research concludes that ten diverse fawatih as-suwar which has been inventoried by the Salaf scholars still mixes the review of the sentence structure and the review of the message. If the variances of fawatih as-suwar are seen solely in terms of the sentence structure they are divided into 11 kinds, namely: (1) the opening with the letters of the alphabet, (2) the opening with an oath, (3) the opening with an appeal, (4 ) the opening with a command, (5) the opening with a question, (6) the opening with a prayer, (7) the opening with a condition, (8) the opening with an argument, (9) the opening with an interjection, (10) the opening with an assertive sentence, and (11) the opening with an information sentence. When seen in terms of the messages, the fawatih as-suwar are grouped into 7 different messages, namely: (1) opening with a mutashabihat message, (2) the opening with a "creed guidance," (3) the opening with the "existence of the Qur’an," (4) the opening with advice for piety, (5) the opening with promises and threats, (6) the opening with the virtue of God's creation, and (7) the opening with a story. If viewed from the way of the presentation of messages in the mass media, especially in the form of features, there are 12 (eleven) types of surah introductions, namely: (1) unique/eccentric introduction or a combination of a unique introduction with another type of introduction, (2) Swearing Introduction, (3 ) Calling Introduction, (4) Question Introduction, (5) Direct Accusation Introduction (6) Coercion Introduction, (7) Prayer Introduction, (8) Conditional Introduction, (9) Causality Introduction, (10) Scream Introduction, (11) Narrative / Storytelling Introduction, and (12) Descriptive Introduction. The patterns of the twelve types of introductions above vary. The patterns used are: (1) using an effective, varied, and even unique / eccentric sentence, (2) starting with varied, important, interesting/intriguing, and honest/objective messages despite its use of imaginative expressions, (3) using messages with a variety of functions, not only to increase knowledge (cognitive) but also to sow the seeds of virtue, (4) selecting the proper diction and beautiful and distinctive language style, (5) using a variety of effective and polite communication techniques, and (6) having the message relevant to both the body of the surah. The various patterns of the surah introductions can be constructed into a model of effective communication opening of fawatih as-suwar style. The model is mapped to two elements of communication. First is the communicator, namely the art of a communicator to convince the communicant that she/he is the source that has an appeal, reliability, and power. The three aspects are used effectively to start the communication. Second is the element of the message, i.e. the art of starting effective communication by making the most power of the structure, styles, and appeals of the message with 9 (nine) aspects, namely (1) using an effective and varied sentence, (2) containing an important and interesting message, (3) using an interesting and varied introduction, (4) using a careful diction, (5) communicating politely, (6) utilizing appropriate communication techniques, (7) meeting the criteria of bara'atul istihlal / Husn al-Ibtida'at, (8) using appropriate and beautiful language style, and (9) packing communication with a beautiful setting. Based on the results of this research, it is also suggested that the key to build effective communication lies especially on (1) the communicator’s ability to convince the targeted communicants, which should have appeared since (2) the opening sentences. In addition, a variety of structures and messages, styles, and fawatih as-suwar settings should be an inspiration to build effective communication, especially communication through the mass media.

Item Type: Thesis (["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined])
Additional Information: Promotor : Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Chirzin, M.Ag. dan Dr. H. Hamim Ilyas, M.A
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: Fawatih as-Suwar, Effective Communication and Surah Introduction
Subjects: Ilmu Agama Islam
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Disertasi > Ilmu Agama Islam
Depositing User: Miftahul Ulum [IT Staff]
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2014 11:16
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2014 11:16
URI: http://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/14708

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